Checking In-
A blogpost about what I'm up to... I’m feeling more and more that it’s finding that time (when you are jazzed) to hone in on those...
5 Steps to Injury-Proof your Running
The same idea applies to running. Plant your foot directly underneath you and wallah, you have momentum on your side. Another tip is...
Live to 100?!
While driving in San Francisco, I saw a billboard that said 1 of 3 children will live to the age of 100. This isn't a new finding,...
Skip the Back Bends!
Do you get pain from doing back bends? This motion takes the low back vertebrae and compresses them into what we call a 'closed packed...
KNEES: The 1 Leg Squat Test and You.
One test we do in office to eliminate the cause of pain in the average patient is the SQUAT TEST....It's very basic. Stand in your normal...
5 Questions about Chiropractic
Every year, new research comes out on chiropractic and the validity of such studies. Here's some data from the newest report: IS IT SAFE?...
Boom your Health
Are you looking to turn your body back to where it was BEFORE it became stiff and achy? A solo practitioner, I work to give you back your...
How to Eat Well on a Budget
It is common to get lost in the supermarket, but this is where the true fuel for healing comes in. Developing healthy shopping habits not...
Kinesiotape Vs. Climbers Tape
There are wonderful advantages to taping your wrists and fingers, however you need to know which types of tape to use for which...
Self-Care and Your Forearms.
Learning to work on yourself is imminently important to how long your forearms hands and wrists will stay healthy. Save money and learn...