5 Questions about Chiropractic
Every year, new research comes out on chiropractic and the validity of such studies.
Here's some data from the newest report:
Spinal Surgery: 1,800 negative responses per Million
Cervical Spine Surgery (Neck): 500 negative responses per Million
Use of Aspirin and NSAIDS: 153 negative responses per Million
Prescription Opiod Pain Medications: 53.6 deaths per Million
Chiropractic Adjustment: Less than 1 major injury per Million
(or about 1 in 5.85 million)
Are Chiropractors Real doctors?
To earn their degree, doctors of various disciplines are required to hit a required educational hour mark before completing their program. Here are the current statistics of related professions and chiropractic.
Educational Hours Required Per Year:
Medical Doctors- 4800 total educational hours
Doctor of Osteopathy- 4660 total educational hours
Doctor of Chiropractic- 4620 total educational hours
Doctor of Physiotherapy- 3870 total educational hours
Who goes to Chiropractors?
Over 1/2 of all americans have seen a chiropractor and 1/4 of them would choose a chiropractor first with treatment of their back or neck pain. Traditionally, this is what were are known for, but we also treat muscle and joint conditions of the entire body.