Where the integration of the body and mind come together. LifeSport is for everyone ~ adult or child. Whether you are a top tier athlete, weekend warrior, a parent chasing after kids, or a desk jockey working in front of a computer, your health is essential to keep up with all you have to do. LifeSport has always been about providing the highest quality body work and chiropractic care.
Now we are adding MIND.
Your Mind is your greatest asset!
Immune &
Does someone you know struggle with school? Is staying focused and concentrating challenging? Are you concerned with how your child will behave in public, build friendships, or succeed in school and life? Does frustration and exhaustion reign? Just as developing minds can struggle, so too do aging minds.
Imbalances in the brain can make navigating life challenging. It doesn't have to stay that way. Behind every weakness is natural brilliance!
Your brain function is pivotal to your experience in life. The integration of how your brain is balanced creates YOU.
How you perceive the world is determined by how your brain functions. Everything about you is controlled by your brain - from immune regulation, metabolic function, digestive health, mental health, hormonal balance, academic abilities, emotional regulation, ability to adapt, and relate to others. Your brain working optimally is essential for optimal health.
LifeSport Mind is about bringing out your greatest potential through chiropractic, functional neurology and functional medicine.

Functional Neurology
Helping children and adults thrive in Life!
Speech Delays/Difficulties
Sensory Processing
Learning Challenges
Socially Uncomfortable
Memory Loss

Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of dis-ease. Symptoms are the body's way to communicate. Understanding the symptoms and addressing the reasons for them can bring your body to a more comfortable and healthier state. Our body is always seeking balance and optimal health.

Chiropractic - gentle yet powerful, tailored to your preferences and needs. The integration of muscle work with chiropractic care allows the body to relax and gain more benefits from adjustments. They also more comfortable and last longer.

Chiropractic care for all ages
Diversified, Thompson Drop, Activator, SOT, Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral, SRT, Flexion/Distraction, Pregnancy and Infant care
Muscle Work
NeuroMuscular Release, Trigger Point Release, Muscle Activation, Abdominal Massage
Functional Medicine and Nutrition
Functional Neurology
Training in the Melillo Method
Primitive Reflex Integration
Left/Right Brain Balancing
Superpulsed Therapeutic Laser, Brain Integration laser, Ultrasound, Electric Stim. InfraRed, Red Light, Blue Light, Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency (PEMF), Interactive Metronome
"I had chronic bicep pain from over twenty years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I had seen multiple doctors who had every diagnosis from bicep to elbow tendonitis to severe sprains etc. I was on the verge of quitting Jiu Jitsu when I came to see Karen. After just a few sessions with 90% of the pain gone and I could continue training. She figured out exactly what was going on and recommended exercises to fix the problem.
I took my dad to her who had lower back pain for years which she fixed in just one session. I cannot recommend her enough!" Ali J.

Meet Dr. Karen
Dr. Karen has been working with children and adult for over 20 years to support them on their journey towards better health and function.
As a high school athlete, Dr. Karen sustained a track injury that led to whole body break down at the age of 16. Living on hope and barely able to walk, she was sent around the country to different practitioners trying to figure out what was wrong and what to do about her debilitating abdominal pain. Four years and 47 medical specialist later, Dr. Karen found herself in a chiropractor's office and the rest is history. Dr. Karen combines her formal training with her first hand experience as a patient to offer compassionate and knowledgeable care to get you results.
Life has a way of unfolding in unexpected ways. School was a huge challenge for Dr. Karen from 1st grade on. Despite a variety of testings and doctors, the only diagnosis was "She's just slow, what do they expect?" She struggled through school, and only made it because of her parents' help every night with homework through high school. In college, her piano teacher was constantly upset with her and "accused" Dr. Karen of being dyslexic. That left a constant wonder if her piano teacher was actually correct... She had learned ways to get by in school and made it through chiropractic school. In 2012, Dr. Karen began her training in Childhood Developmental Disorders with Dr. Robert Melillo because one of his topics was Dyslexia. These ten weekend seminars opened her eyes to a whole new way of thinking about health and body/mind function. Dr. Melillo explained Dr. Karen's experience with school and life in his first two minutes of class. Her piano teacher had not been crazy! And now she had answers and ways to improve her mind. Dr. Karen has completed the course work for a post doctorate degree in Developmental Behavioral NeuroImmunology and training in The Melillo Method as well as functional medicine training including AFMCP. Knowing how hard it is to be slow and the "dumb kid" in school, she is passionate about optomizing brain function and helping children and adults thrive in school and life!
Addressing the root cause of your health concern is essential to fixing the problem. She incorporates chiropractic care, functional medicine, nutrition, and functional neurology and a variety of therapies to address underlying causes of your symptoms for a more complete healing process.
Most importantly, Dr Karen spends time with you. It is a time for healing, for understanding, growth, and change. Health is a journey, not a destination and she is here to help you enjoy the journey.
When not in the office, Dr. Karen is living life to the fullest in the foothills with her family.
Conditions We Can Help:
Traditional Chiropractic Care, Elevated
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes...and everything in-between.
An adjustment is great, but integrated care to help your body accept an adjustment and then hold its effects longer is better.
Functional Medicine
Shedding new light on old problems. Understanding what your body is presenting allows you to create the change you're seeking. From digestive issues to brain fog, allergies, asthma, to hormone imbalances, every symptom you experience
is your body's way of asking for support. Understanding the messages is key to regaining health.
Functional Neurology
Understanding brain development and imbalances are key for addressing the Root Cause. Primitive Reflex integration, vestibular balance, and left/right hemisphere integration set the foundation for improving academic struggles, social-emotional connections, executive function and so much more.
Maintenance care will not only keep you healthier, it will make life more fun!
Feel lighter, younger, more balanced and at your best. Because you deserve it. We all do.
Every Body Needs Care
Children and Adults
Life Changing Care for...
Developmental Delays
~ Autism
~Learning delays
~Digestive problems
~Autoimmune conditions
~Brain Fog
~Chronic illnesses, ear infections
~Repeated Injuries
Dr. Lisa is not at Lifesport any longer...but her book is!
Check out Dr. Lisa's Book! Focused on the common injuries from the fingertip to the shoulder, this book is a MUST HAVE educational book for any serious climber right next to that climbing rope and that grigri. This book is a stand-alone self-care climbing guide for injuries that leads you through a specialized training plan, hits up the current injury research, and guides you to understand your own anatomy with physiotherapy for climbing and training for climbing built in.
Featured Articles:
Please reach out with your needs so we can be sure to support your journey to health. Make sure to check out our other pages on health insurance, new patient visits and everything else you need to know to for your first visit.