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Getting Started

New Patient Forms


Welcome to the beginning. 

We're excited to see you through to becoming injury free yet again.


1. Book a Visit


As our office is simple and streamlined, all booking is done through our online 24-Hour booking portal. Take the stress away with knowing that you can book at anytime, from anywhere. 

Click here to get started >>


Secondly, don't forget to book in for the correct visit.  New patients can begin by scheduling a "New Patient" appointment.


If you don't know, book a basic "New Patient Visit" and we can go from there! 


NOTE: Please do not book a routine or monthly maintenance visit. If this happens, we will call/email to cancel your visit due to time constraints. Nothing that is worth while happens quickly. This includes in-office exams and teaching you the how/why of your homework! If you cannot find a time that works for you, please be respectful and book out with the correct visit.


2. Bring these forms with you


Begin by first printing out the forms above and bringing them to your visit. Get extra time with Dr. Karen if you have the above paperwork filled out at the time of your appointment! Please fill these out before you come in for EXTRA time to delve into your healing...


3. Don't Sweat it.  Bring in Insurance Info.


 We happy to submit to your insurance however for your first few visits, she usually submits how much you paid us (and we see if they reimburse you!) If they begin reimbursing you, we then bill your insurance for you to streamline the process. As an 'Out of Network' Practitioner, be informed that the deductible is usually different than in-network.

Almost ALL  insurance companies will not reimburse care without your deductible (In Network or Out of Network) being met first.

For those of you with backup insurance, please also bring a copy of it!

The Specialist Copay on the front of your card is only taken at my office when you have met your deductible. All others will receive a superbill upon request for submittal to insurance.

Car Accidents

If you have been in an auto accident and wish to bill your car insurance, please ensure it indeed covers our care. If you have MEDPAY, your care is automatically covered in most cases without question as long as it pertains to injuries sustained in the accident. We cannot bill your health insurance if your injuries are sustained from an auto accident.   If this is you, please show up to your visit with the following:


  • Claim Number

  • Adjustors Name and Email

  • Insurance Phone/Fax

  • Date of Accident




Our system is designed to receive payment during booking. Please notify us at your visit if you'd like your auto insurance billed instead and we can modify payment at the time of service.


Car Accident Cases and Payment

I am happy to work off of a Doctor's Lein and to wait for payment until your case closes. Upon closure, payment is due within 30 days whether your insurance decides to cover it or not. Please fill out this paperwork and bring it with you. If you have MedPay, we absolutely take it! Book in today and book 4 elongated visits in the next 2 weeks, just to ensure you get the care you need and to set you on your path for supportive healing.



FlexSpend and HSA Cards

All credit and debit cards as well as HSA and Flex-Spend cards are welcome in our office. If you are having trouble booking (with or without pre-paying online) with your FlexSpend or HSA card, please call and we will book for you. Alternately, you can book with whichever payment card you like and we can modify this for those whos HSA or FlexSpend cards don't allow online payments. Your company sets this up for your safety and we can work with them easily in most cases. Care is covered under all FlexSpend and HSA plans.


Payments and Insurance
Car Accidents
FlexSpend and HSA Cards

If you've been in a car accident and want to bill your car insurance, fill out the form below.

LifeSport Chiropractic Inc.

3775 Iris Ave Ste 2A&B

Boulder, CO 80301

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Tel: 720.766.2283

Fax: 303-800-8287

Hours by Appointment

Mon: 8:30 - 4:30

Tues: 8:30-5


Sat: 8-3

© 2021 by LifeSport Chiropractic Inc.


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